Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: December 2014

Senior Bunk Station Weekend 2014 (Barrasford)

Barrasford Station
During November, the Seniors travelled to Barrasford, near Hexham, for their annual weekend away. James was quick to point out that the weekend was not intense – it was actually in a converted railway station. James’ comment was received with mass groaning and eye rolling despite being very true. Barrasford Railway Station was constructed in the 1860s on the Border Counties line and was active until 1958 when the line was dismantled. Since then, ownership has been claimed by a couple of local Scout groups one of which, in 1995, took on the vigorous task of converting it into accommodation for groups, such as the 8th, to stay in.

On arrival, the six Seniors were greeted by John, Hannah and Neil who had travelled down to the station earlier that day. They were given a guided tour of the history-rich accommodation and then shown to their rooms. One for the boys, one for the girls and two for the Leaders. With their kit unpacked on to their bunks, leaders and Seniors alike headed outside to ‘Fred’s Shed’; a games room with a climbing wall, darts board, pool table and a table to play chess.

On return to the actual station, everyone tucked into a pork pie, took a seat in the common room and played a brand new ‘Trivial Pursuit’. Teams of two answered questions on a diverse range of topics hoping to fill their wheel with cheeses. It was eventually decided that time was getting on and the game should be reconvened the next evening. So far though, Poppy and Maddie had taken an early, unexpected lead.

To avoid shivering in their sleeping bags, the boy Seniors resorted to building dens out the mattresses which weren’t being used. Before everyone dropped off to sleep, Liam – described by Mark as “unable to inspire a cabbage” – was encased in a triangular mattress sarcophagus which kept him “toasty” during the night.

The Seniors woke-up on Saturday morning refreshed and rearing to go on their international hike. Bacon sandwiches, kindly prepared by the leaders, were scoffed before the drive to Lewisburn.

Seniors hiking across the moors
The 11-mile walk took the group of ten along a foggy Bloody Bush road which jumps from bank to bank of the Akenshaw Burn. Thankfully, there was no breeze (apart from one which suspiciously always surrounded Mark) but everyone still wrapped up warm.

In dribs and drabs, everyone arrived at the Scottish border to feast on their packed lunch, followed by a quick visit into Scotland and an elegant trek through thick heather which, at times, was high enough to encompass Maverick. The off-road route climaxed with a jump over a beck which returned the hikers to their original trail.

Pawson on the border
On return to the station, the group treated themselves to a doughnut and discussed, in great detail, bookmarks before some of the group headed back over to Fred’s Shed to play more games.

After tea, everyone watched ‘We’re the Millers’. Everyone then returned to the common room to finish off the game of Trivial Pursuit they started the night before. Poppy and Maddie’s lead turned out to only be temporary and it was actually John and Harry who collected all six cheeses first. Despite this, it was Neil and Liam who were the first to collect all six cheeses PLUS making it back to the starting circle and correctly answering a question. Neil and Liam were declared the winners.

Neil abruptly awoke the Seniors on Sunday morning by rattling utensils in a steel pot and bellowing abuse. A traditional full English breakfast was on the menu for breakfast which included scrambled eggs, sausages, black pudding, bacon, beans and… smiley faces! The delicious breakfast was swiftly devoured before kit was packed up and rooms were hovered so the group could return home (with a call at Hexham on the way).
The Seniors: Reflecting on their weekend in Barrasford.
Not only was this Maddie and Poppy’s first Senior weekend away, they are also still baby Seniors; still only in the first few weeks of development. Reflecting on the weekend, Maddie commented: “The weekend was fantastic. Leaders have more depth to them than you see in Scouts and the weekend was a great bonding experience with fellow Seniors.”