Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Scout Training Day 2013

Scout Training Day 2013

Contemplating Scout, Sam Wears, working on
his plan for a weekend camp
Due to bad weather and lack of numbers Easter camp at a new location was unfortunately canceled  Instead, on Sunday 31st March all the Scouts and Seniors were invited to the Scout HQ for a training day.

The day started off extremely structured as the scouts and seniors were split into groups and were set to do different activities. These included planning a camp, making a camp rota and writing a menu and quantities for a weekend camp.

After a swift lunch which the Scouts had brought themselves, they continued with their activities and then got the amazing privilege of playing hide and seek in the Scout HQ. As expected no objects, furniture or camping equipment were damaged during the game so Scout leaders should be able to let the Scouts play the game again.

The enriching day was finished off with a game of find the Easter egg where all the scouts were locked in the Pioneer store whilst a small but extremely tasty Easter egg was hidden somewhere in the main hall. Once it was found, the game started again but the person who found the egg got to eat it and hide another one. This continued until 4 PM when the game was finished and everyone had an Easter egg.

In conclusion, the day was enjoyable and beneficial for most Scouts and Seniors as they got work done which went towards badges.

Sam Weirs, Christopher Hewins and Maverick taking a short break from the intense work.