Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Garden Fete 2013

Garden Fete 2013

Weeks of program selling and advertising had came to an end as it was finally time for the much anticipated annual Garden Fete on Cockerton Green.
Committee members, scouts and leaders alike were up early on Saturday 15th June 2013 to set up the fete. Luckily the weather all day was great meaning that the Fete could be held outside.

By the time it was time for a mid morning snack (bacon butties) almost everything was ready for the Fete opening at 1:30. Most of the stalls were ready, tents were erected and parents were starting to turn up to help run the day. The donkeys ponies had even arrived!

After the contreversey of who got bacon buttues and in what order there was more setting up to do. The seniors spent almost a hour putting up a simple markii for the bric-a-brac stall and the scouts had went to do some more program selling in Cockerton.

Then the time came, leaders, scouts, parents, helpers, and committee members enthusiastically made their way to their stall.

An estimated 900 people turned up for the raffles, stalls, zumba (with Liam and Maverick), live music, prizes to win, dancing displays, games, competitions, animals and much more. They helped raise a total of £3500 for the group which is the most the group has ever made from a Garden Fete!