Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Summer Camp 2014 - Day 3

Summer Camp 2014 - Day 3

Lishman at Sycamore Gap
A baby blue morning sky gave the Scouts and Seniors a warm welcome out of their tents. A quick breakfast of bacon sandwiches were cooked followed by the Scouts packing a bag of sandwiches for lunch and then setting off to their hike along Hadrian’s Wall. They started at a car park in Housesteads and then started trekking West along the Roman wall. 

Lunch was at the famous ‘Sycamore Gap’ which Kevin Costner famously walked down 23 years ago in ‘Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves’. Here, Lishman, one of the four group bears, got to strut his stuff as he was photographed at the scene.

To counteract the high heat of the day a selection of ice-lollies were purchased from an ice-cream truck which was spotted near Steel Rigg. The refreshing flavours consequently turned Scouts mouths - and some faces - various colours to match the lollies. After hours and hours of walking, finally, a white spec appeared in the horizon at Cawfield Quarry. To the Scout’s relief it was the van.
Although Maddie, PL of the Squids, called the 7½ mile hike “tiring” and Sam, PL of the Badgers, recalled the hike being “more hilly” when he did the walk the first time around three years ago at Easter Camp, they both said the day was thoroughly enjoyed.

Meanwhile, back at camp the Seniors had been working their way down a to-do list composed by the leaders. The most important job was to plan their 15 mile hike which would take them the duration of two days (from Tuesday to Wednesday). After carefully studying a map, there were many discussions about whether they should walk along Hadrian’s Wall, through Northumberland National Park or parallel with the North Tyne. Following much thought, they finally all agreed on the route they would take back to the swimming baths in Hexham where they would meet the Scouts ‘tomorrow, tomorrow’ (A.K.A Wednesday).

The Seniors also kindly did some wood collecting for the Scouts, collected logs for the camp fire, dug another hole for the ladies toilet, assertively carried out inspection and then captured some shots of camp to use in the documentary. Whilst the Seniors were hard at work, Alec ventured out of camp to fill up the water-carriers because the campers had managed to go through 65 gallons of water in a mere two days!

On Alec’s return, the Seniors thought it would be a nice gesture to make some ‘camp doughnuts’ for when the Scouts came back from their hike in the sweltering weather. With James mixing ingredients, Liam rolling out the dough, Harry frying the doughnuts, and Maverick engulfing them in sugar so they looked like sweet rings of goodness, the Seniors successfully managed to make dozens of perfectly cooked Doughnuts which left the Scouts and leaders craving for more.

For tea, the Seniors prepared burgers and sausages on the BBQ which everyone on camp enjoyed before a few improvised games by the Scouts and then an early bed time so the Scouts could recover from their hike and the Seniors could rest up before their gruelling hike the following morning.