Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Cubs Halloween Party 2014

Cubs Halloween Party 2014

The two scariest Cubs
Ghouls, ghosts, vampires, zombies and monsters packed the hall on November 2nd for a grim and disturbing scene: the join Squirrel and Panther Cub pack Halloween Party. The scary undertakers, werewolves, mad-scientists, (plus the not so scary tigers and bunnies) were in for a spooky night of festivities.

The hall, finely decorated with skulls, creepy pictures, and an enormous spider hanging from the roof saw the evening commence with some Halloween themed relay races before the Cubs rushed into the small hall to fill their faces with snacks and pop. Following this, there was the traditional mummy wrapping game where one member from each six gets wrapped in toilet paper by the rest of the six. The best wrapped mummy at the end of the game wins. Before the Cubs could go home, the winners of the best costume were announced and the person with the most skilfully carved pumpkin was congratulated. The evening was rounded off by nobody going anywhere near Neil’s office.
Neil's Office