Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Summer Camp 2013 - Day 3

Summer Camp 2013 - Day 3

Sam admiring the amazing view from the 'cockpit'
Despite the damp conditions, Monday got off to a quick start with a hasty flag break by the Giraffes, a nimble yet scrumptious breakfast of bacon and egg and a prompt personal inspection by Mark before clambering onto the minibus and departing to Pooley Bridge for a hike.

The eager Scouts set sail on a steamboat called ‘Raven’ across Ullswater to Howtown where they walked back along the top of the hills looking across on the amazing scenery which surrounds Ullswater. The hike was many Scouts highlight of the week because they got a chance to talk to one another and learn different things. Sam enjoyed it because he was photographing everything from the weather to the tiniest rock. At around 2PM the Scouts arrived at their destination which was the 'cockpit' - an ancient stone circle. Unfortunately some Scouts were expecting to see Stonehenge instead of a circle of boulders however the disappointment soon vanished when they looked at the outstanding view.

Finally, the Scouts walked back down the bank to Pooley Bridge for an ice cream. Although the day had started of cloudy the sun was now shining at full force. The Scouts were so hot they even jumped in the river as soon as they returned to camp! They left the river later with numb feet and a numb Maverick.

A sheep
The Seniors/Rovers had not attended the hike, instead they stayed at camp and made an altar fire, prepared tomorrows campfire, collected wood for the 2 Scout patrols and made a huge amount of 'camp-doughnuts' which would be available for supper.

Unfortunately, Monday came to a sad end for most people on camp as Tracey and Matthew set of home at 7PM. Scouts were weeping, Seniors were tearful and the leaders were sobbing because of their departure. 

Spirits were raised again when the second round of the Volleyball tournament was played. The Mallory team played the Giraffes and came out on top and the leaders swooped victory over the Walri. The light drizzle at around 10PM sent everyone off to their warm, dry sleeping bags.