Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Summer Camp 2013 - Day 6

Summer Camp 2013 - Day 6

Although eggy bread and beans was for breakfast (a camp favourite), breakfast seemed to take forever because of the poor weather again. During the night the beck had raised so Scouts were unable to get washing up water from there or wash on its banks so they used fresh water from their kitchens.

Following breakfast was a quick inspection of personnel before the whole camp (apart from Alec) ventured out to Trotters World of Independent Trading Animals which had disappointingly changed its name to the Lake District Wildlife Park. Whilst the group were out Alec did a thorough inspection of kitchens, tents and the general area and after long last the Walri took over the Giraffes by 4 points.

Meanwhile, the charged group were lost. Mark and the minibus of Scouts did several laps around a lake followed by Tom and his car of Seniors. Finally, using modern maps on smartphones (something I doubt Baden Powell would approve of), they found the Zoo. On arrival they had lunch and then went to watch a variety of shows. There was everything from reptile shows to lemur shows. Maddie even got the opportunity to chuck a pepper at a Brazilian Tapir whilst John was being threatened by a Vulture which ate old people.

After the Zoo, the Rovers went for their annual meal whilst corned beef hash was for tea at camp. Invites were starting to be handed out for PL's choice and although there was lots of delight amongst Scouts, Seniors and leaders there was also a lot of disappointment.

Just before bed ex-Scout Leader, Mike Campbell, turned up just in time to participate in the final round of the volleyball competition. The Seniors somehow managed to thrash the Walri and the Leaders wiped the floor with the Giraffes. This meant the final result looked like this:
1st - Seniors
2nd - Leaders
3rd - Giraffes
4th - Walri
(Although for some reason the leaders decided they should take the trophy)

Just before bed, the perceptive PL of the Walri realised that his tent had been sabotaged. The Giraffes, unhappy that they were now coming second in the race to win the camp trophy, had let down the guys on the back of the Walri tent hoping they wouldn’t notice. Since they did though both tents spent the next 45 minutes on a stakeout waiting for the other patrol to retaliate or act again. Thankfully nothing happened. The Walri did the mature thing as they didn't want to sink down to the same level as the Giraffes. They knew they could win without cheating.