Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Summer Camp 2013 - Day 4

Summer Camp 2013 - Day 4

The Seniors and Rovers climbing Helvellyn
Ben and his Beans
Marshmallow like clouds sheltered Kings Meaburn from the scorching sun as the camp awoke on Tuesday. For the first time that week the Scouts were able to wash in the Beck because the water had finally descended to an almost normal level.

The Seniors and Rovers had a rushed breakfast and wash that morning as they were climbing Helvellyn. Admittedly some were more eager to climb it than others nethertheless they started their steep trek at around 11.15am. They all had a packed lunch especially Ben who unknowingly carried 4 tins of baked beans up with him. Unfortunately for Ben, he had forgotten to pack a tin opener and also didn't have anywhere to cook them, luckily the space in his stomach was filled with fish and chips which they got from Appleby for tea.

Back at camp, Scouts spent most of the day working towards badges and taking part in an incident course organised by John. The Scouts with clay minds ready for moulding learnt lots about the country code, highway code, health and safety and making woodcraft trails however other Scouts minds were unable to be moulded as they were just mush.

The incident course which took place on the afternoon involved using common sense - something which the leaders thought many of the Scouts lacked however the Giraffe patrol proved them wrong by successfully completing all 3 tasks given to them. The Walri were less successful as they were more interested in learning each other's middle names (Elizabeth, Grace, Samuel, Ross, Bob and James if you were wondering). The PL of the Walri, Liam was also distracted nursing his sunburnt neck from when he was cooked the day before on the hike. He had an ingenious idea though: by wrapping a tea towel around a cap he could shelter his glowing neck from the sun. It also made him look like an Arab.

Anyway, the incident course tasks were:
· Get a radioactive bottle out of a 4 meter diameter circle only using basic equipment and not entering the circle.
· Flip a 2 x 1 meter piece of carpet whilst the whole patrol stands on it.
· Pitch a tent whilst blindfolded and being guided by your PL and APL whom were the only people able to see. The PL and APL weren't allowed to touch anything.
To conclude the course, the leaders invited the PL's and APL's over to the Marquee to discuss what they did well and what they could have improved on.

There was no tuck shop that evening because all the Scouts were already hyper and to give them more sugar would be like giving a billionaire a £20 note. It would just be unnecessary and wasted.

Sadly, like the day before, the day before that and the day before that - the weather was unstable and at 8pm the heavens opened. This resulted in the night games being cancelled and the X-Fire needing to take place in the marquee. Although the weather was wet, spirits were not dampened and everyone still managed to belt out songs varying from American Pie to Mama-Mia!