Google+ 8th Darlington (Cockerton Green) Scouts: Summer Camp 2013 - Day 7

Summer Camp 2013 - Day 7

In costume for PL's choice
Friday was a day of Sports, starting to dismantle camp and the long awaited PL's choice. After miraculously lighting fires from inflammable wood the Scouts enjoyed a breakfast of bacon grill, beans and egg. John then conducted a thorough inspection which was one of the toughest inspections he has ever had to do, knocking points of for literally crumbs - the standard was that high!

The biggest sporting event since the Olympics took place at Kings Meaburn on Friday August 2nd. It was the Scouts Sports Morning where 3 teams battled it out to win a prize of sweets. There was a simple relay race which wasn't as simple as it sounds, a wheelbarrow race which provided the leaders with lots of laughs and even a marathon. The Walri won the morning however not the prize since all the teams lacked sportsmanship and all 3 patrols ended up cheating terribly in the last race disgusting all of the leaders.
The rest of the morning was then spend dismantling gadgets so the group could have a quick get away the following day and not waste time.

After a ‘camp soup’ for lunch the Scouts departed camp and went to Penrith to do their shopping for PL’s choice and restock on sweets/chocolate.

At 6:15 PM, panicked PL’s served their starters to the leaders they invited:
Walri - Mark, John
Giraffe - Tom, Erica
Seniors/Rovers - Alec, Lynne, Mike

All the dishes were of a high standard and entertainment was first rate despite all the Walri ingredients being Morrison's own and the Giraffes only catering for 6 people. The Walri even wrote a song about the leaders they got for PL's choice.

The Giraffe's Palma Ham and Melon

Everyone embraced the chance to dress up for PL’s choice and the costumes varied from Animal Crossing Villagers to Football players.

After the vast amount of washing up had been done it was the Camp Fire. Usual favourites were belted out including Cow Kicked Nelly, American Railway and a Lion Hunt which took the Scouts a very obscure route to find the lion. It included travelling through smelly tents and doing the ‘time warp’ again.

The amazing day ended with a game of night Reliv-O where there was lots of shouting and cheating however all the Scouts enjoyed it.

Walri Summer Camp Song:
It's PL's choice and it's Friday evening,
We're dicing vegetables and also peeling,
The sky is clear, the ground is dry,
but we're not serving Apple Pie,

We got John and Mark,
Let's hope he doesn't fart,
They weren't our first choice but they'll do,

So thank-you Mark - and John.

The mince is overcooked and the onions are raw,

The billies are dirty and all over the floor,
But the sky is clear, the ground is dry,
but we're not serving Apple Pie,

We were declined by Tom ‘coz he's a gimp,
But it's ok 'coz we got John and his limp,
We served Chilli and Garlic Bread,
It must have been good 'coz we're not dead,

But the best thing was the Rocky Road Pudding.